Covid-19 has changed the world as we previously know it. We used to go to the shops freely and shopping was a pleasurable experience. The lock down measures has seen most of us trying to connect with each other indoors or online. Online shopping became not just a preference but a a way of life.
We agree this has been challenging times, however there are a number of opportunities in store for many. With the growing trend of making bread at home or baking for a pastime, these activities were bringing families together. Hopefully the efforts were rewarding with great treats.
The range includes: Magwinya, dumpling, scones, chocolate and vanilla cake.
Bread Box product
No need to worry about the quality. We have put together a number of premixes that will make baking a really enjoyable and rewarding experience. The packs have easy to follow instructions that will ensure great tasting produce and consistent.
These products are also readily available in our online store, for pick up or to be delivered for your convenience